Fr. Pentiuc is main Speaker at the ROOTS International Biblical Conference



Rev. Dr. Eugen J. Pentiuc, Archbishop Demetrios Professor of Biblical Studies and Early Christianity and Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, was the main speaker at the ROOTS conference.

From October 19-21, the ROOTS International Old Testament Symposium, organized by the Orthodox School of Theology of Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, held its annual conference via Zoom. The theme was God’s Name in the Old Testament: Revelation, Significance, Prayer, and Theology. Fr. Pentiuc, who was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2019 from the same university, offered the keynote address, entitled YHWH: God’s Unfinished Name. 

In his address, Fr. Pentiuc used archeological, epigraphic, and biblical data to demonstrate the uniqueness of the God of the Old Testament, who through the revelation of his unfinished name, YHWH (He Was/Is/Will Be …), with no qualifying predicate, shared with ancient Israel and humanity in general his willingness to accommodate himself to the needs of all.



Pr. Ioan Chirilă
Ioan Chirilă este profesor universitar la Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă a Universității „Babeș-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca. Domeniul său de cercetare este constituit de teologia Vechiului Testament, hermeneutică și exegeză scripturistică, literatură iudaică, iudaism, arheologie biblică și limba ebraică biblică, dialog interreligios, dialog știință – religie, etică, bioetică, etica discursului și istorie modernă.